Visibility 3 mi Wind - Average 2 mph Pressure 1010 hPa Fog No Wind - Gusts 20 mph Snowline 13123 ft Forecast data from The Norwegian Meteorological Institute Current. sea level (mb) 1 hr 3 hr 6 hr 6 hour Temperature (✯) Pressure Precipitation (in.) Please Contact Us. Warnings By State Excessive Rainfall and. Manchester, Michigan 14 Day Weather Forecast - The Weather Network Manchester, MI Weather + ADD TO MY LOCATIONS 14 Day Trend Here is your temperature trend for the next 14 Days. Active Advisories: Hazardous Weather Outlook.

I-75 starts in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and runs 1,786 miles down to the southernmost part of Florida in Miami. Interstate 75 is a major north/south transportation corridor connecting the Great Lakes to the Southeastern U.S. Connecticut News, Local News, Weather, Traffic, Entertainment, Breaking News. A: The temperature in Manchester MI is 62 degrees. Manchester (/ ˈ m æ n tʃ ɪ s t ər,-tʃ ɛ s-/) is a city in Greater Manchester, England, with a population of 547,627 in 2018. St James's, England, United Kingdom 47 ☏ Clear. This map shows rainfall radar images at 5 minute intervals. Documents to be carried on board aircraft easa 7 jun manchester mi weather radar duxbury high school lacrosse